Potential Collaborations

Hagar Rosenblatt, MSc Student | Bio-Medical Engineering in Tel- Aviv University Expand



Write a short paragraph about your research

In our research, we are trying to detect a person’s “internet age” according to texts he has written with ML and NLP methods. We hope that this will allow us in the future to detect cognitive impairment or other clinical conditions. Currently we are working on “Reddit” data. However, medical data, or data from other social media can help us expand the study.

What kind of collaboration are you looking for?

We are looking for additional data sources, such as: medical data or social media data that might help with expanding our research or testing our model.
For example, we can achieve a great benefit by testing whether our model can differentiate between texts written by a person before and after he became sick (stroke/ dementia/alzheimer/ other). But our data cannot tell us for sure who became sick and when.

What data will be worked on?

Currently we are working on “Reddit” data. However, medical data, or data from other social media could help us expand the study.

What infrastructure, programs and tools will be used? 

We are working with python

When would you like to start the collaboration?

The sooner the better