
Israel Data Science and AI Initiative

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7 DS Centers

The Israel Data Science and AI Initiative is the coordinating body for the seven Data Science Research Centers located in Israel’s research universities.

400 Researchers

More than 400 data science researchers from the seven leading universities in Israel – Bar Ilan University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,  Tel Aviv University, The  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Haifa and Weizmann Institute of Science.

Our Goals

The main activities of IDSAI are related to Research, Education and Outreach to both government and industrial sectors. 

IDSI will also promote the creation of, and access to, data repositories which comprise the basis for research in the social sciences. 

IDSAI serves an umbrella to the following DS centers :

U. of Haifa Logo
Weizmann Logo



Upcoming Events

IDSAI 2025 – The Fourth Israeli Data Science and AI Initiative Conference. Join us for a unique experience in a random forest in the Jerusalem foothills:

Our International Partners


The Israel Data Science and AI Initiative is pleased to collaborate with the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA). HIDA is an umbrella organization that coordinates Data Science activities among the 19 Helmholtz research institutes located throughout Germany. This partnership will provide a platform for collaboration between IDSAI and HIDA in promoting research and development in Data Science in Israel and in Germany. One of the first joint projects is a summer exchange program for doctoral and post-doctoral students, allowing them to spend time in one of the research centers in the partner country – in one of the university Data Science research centers in Israel, or in one of the Helmholtz Institutes in Germany.

Helmholtz & IDSAI Student Exchange Program 2022

Call for host – is now closed Call for Students is now open

Contact Details

IDSAI’s contributions to research, education and society will depend to a large extent on the input received from the data science and related communities. Please feel free to make suggestions for ways in which you think that IDSAI can make a positive impact on the development and application of Data Science in Israel and the world. 


Prof. Paul D. Feigin

Director of IDSAI Phone: +972-(0)4-829-4463

E-mail:  paulf@technion.ac.il

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